Welcome to ShoeGuide.org

Hello and welcome to ShoeGuide.org. Here at Shoe Guide, we firmly believe that materialism is on its way out.

We're just like you; we don't want to spend our hard earned paycheck on a pair of shoes that are going to fall apart within a few months.

Our mission is to provide you with up to date, relevant content to help you make an informed decision when you're thinking about purchasing a new pair of shoes. Below you'll find some recent updates and some of our latest posts.

We're also looking to expand our Shoe Encyclopedia. Right now we have our well-received Shoe Anatomy diagram, shoe fitting tips, and size charts. We'd really like to add articles covering all of the major shoe brands (current and historical) as well as all of the various styles of shoes throughout history. Get in touch if you're interested in contributing to that effort!

Nike Running Shoes in Mid Air

Ballet Boots
The Best

Ballet Boots

Ballet Boots Guide and Product Roundup Ballet boots are the new rage in today's women's footwear...

Shoe Guide